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Monday, August 13, 2007

Indonesia raya

taken from )

In the month of Indonesian Independence Day celebration, there's a hot issue in Indonesia. Roy Suryo a well known Indonesian informatics expert, claims that he have found a video clip about Indonesia Raya songs (Indonesian nationality song) in full version which covering 2 part of the song which is now has gone from the new Indonesia raya song (the version that we use now).

Roy Suryo with "air putih" team claim that they found the original version of the song from a video that kept in a museum in Leiden-Holland. But lots of Indonesian people also claim that they have know the three step of Indonesia raya long before Roy Suryo found it.

Des Alwi one of Indonesia historical well known person said that the video was not the original one. He said that the original one is still in his hand. He said that in that video he act as the producer. The video showing the preparation of Indonesia independence whit text of the Indonesia Raya song included.

Indonesia Raya song since first introduce by the author W.R Supratman in 1928 was introduce as Indonesian nationality song. So which one said the truth actually is not really important. The important thing is one of Indonesia historical moment with historical song that help us through the struggle of independence has been found. And as a big nation we should honor this finding to enrich our history.

Although deep inside I still a little bit wonder why does the three step of original Indonesia Raya song vanish from the Indonesia raya song that we know right now as our nationality song? Is there anyone know the answer?

This is the Indonesia raya text that was claim as the original one:

Indonesia tanah airku, Tanah tumpah darahku.
Disanalah aku berdiri, Jadi pandu ibuku.
Indonesia kebangsaanku, Bangsa dan Tanah Airku.
Marilah kita berseru "Indonesia bersatu."

Hiduplah tanahku, Hiduplah negriku,
Bangsaku, Rakyatku, semuanya.
Bangunlah jiwanya, Bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya.

Indonesia Raya,
Merdeka, Merdeka
Tanahku, negriku yang kucinta.

Indonesia Raya,
Merdeka, Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya.

Indonesia Raya,
Merdeka, Merdeka
Tanahku, negriku yang kucinta.

Indonesia Raya,
Merdeka, Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya.

Indonesia! Tanah yang mulia, Tanah kita yang kaya.
Di sanalah aku berada Untuk slama-lamanya.
Indonesia, Tanah pusaka, Pusaka Kita semuanya.
Marilah kita mendoa, "Indonesia bahagia!"

Suburlah Tanahnya, Suburlah jiwanya,
Bangsanya, Rakyatnya semuanya.
Sadarlah hatinya, Sadarlah budinya
Untuk Indonesia Raya.


Indonesia! Tanah yang suci, Tanah kita yang sakti.
Disanalah aku berdiri menjaga ibu sejati.
Indonesia! Tanah berseri, Tanah yang aku sayangi.
Marilah kita berjanji: "Indonesia abadi!"

Slamatlah Rakyatnya, Slamatlah putranya,
Pulaunya, lautnya semuanya.
Majulah Negrinya, Majulah Pandunya
Untuk Indonesia Raya.


(taken from


blastedmind said...

Apparently the government decided in the 1950s that only the first Stanza was to be used as the National Anthem. They did it with a government regulation.

The reason? I'm guessing the longer version was just too long..

OBoR said...

Thank you for your info situkanghukum :)