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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Children Kidnapping

(picture taken from

In Jakarta, recently there is a trend in crime, it is children kidnapping. There are a few motifs in this kidnapping: economical problem, revenge, and children black market selling. The latest one is the case of Raisha kidnapping, a daughter of a coal entrepreneur name Ali Said. Fortunately the kidnapping case has ended with Raisha brought back to her parent and the kidnapper arrested by the police.

During July to August 2008 according to POLDA metro JAYA (Police force for Jakarta), seven case of kidnapping happened in Jakarta, fortunately all the case has been handled. And most of them ended with happiness.

To prevent children kidnapping. There are a few steps that you can follow:

  1. Educate your children to obey the old rule “NEVER TALK TO STRANGER
  2. Tell and educated your child to run from danger. A danger is when someone or something gets in their personal space using force without they wanting it.
  3. Tell them to shout out loud if someone that they don't know try to grab them
  4. Tell them to use any force that is necessary to get lose from the unknown person
  5. Always watch your children carefully, never let them go without anyone that you know taking care and keep an eye on them.
  6. Talk to them about security and give them the comfort around you.
  7. Make sure that your child know how to take care of them self around danger
  8. Give them a list of family member data that they can call when they need it
  9. Learn the route that your children have to pass by when they go to school or any where they have to go, so you are familiar to the route

Hope the tips can help you in taking care of your children, and hope the kidnapping case will not be happening again.

Please do take care….

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